Surveys suggest that 81% of the population would like to write a book. The dream of writing a book is common to all people.
I suggest, if you dream—make it a meaningful dream. A useful dream. A dream that serves your patients and the community. A dream, that once brought to reality, has the potential to change and save lives.
In saying yes to writing a book—we bring substance to our dreams, to our passions and to our purpose. We distil our ideas and find an outpouring for the stories, messages and wisdom within.
When we give life to our words—we give life to our patients and the community.
You have a song to sing, a story to tell—and words to write. What is the easiest way to write?
Start with the end in mind
Stephen Covey, in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, emphasises that successful people start with the end. It applies equally as well to authors—but in a way you may not have anticipated.
I like to think that starting with the end in mind from a writer’s perspective is asking quality questions. Authors often ask the question, “How do I make my book a bestselling book?”
I believe this is the wrong question. I believe the right question is: What book do I need to write in order for it to be worthy of being a bestseller?
If the end in mind is a bestseller—then your questions need to direct you to produce that outcome. It is not an “afterthought” consideration. It is a design process. It is a strategic plan. The entire writing, publishing and marketing process is in alignment with the outcome you want to achieve.
So, before you write your book—ask this question: What book do I need to write in order for it to be worthy of being a bestseller?
That leads to other quality questions like, “What level of value will I need to provide to be worthy of best seller status?” and “How can I make the greatest impact so my book is loved enough to warranty bestseller status?”
The answer is as simple as the question—tell your reading audience what you tell you in-practice audience.
If you can speak, you can write
I’ve said this before: you’ve already written a book. It’s just not in print yet.
If you can speak, you can write. If you can write, you can write a book. This is an author’s proverb.
You speak everyday, you have conversations, you engage with people, you tell stories—this interaction lets you educate, inform and impact people’s lives.
You also write everyday. Emails, letters, Facebook posts.
Your speaking and your existing writing skills are all that you need in order to write a book. Yes, there may be some support needed and creative processes to bring your spoken words and current writing to a finished product—but it is absolutely possible.
So, any doubt or uncertainty you had about your ability to write a book and share your message, they should now have completely evaporated—and you are now ready to embark on a journey of becoming a bestselling author!
Conversational-Style Interviewing
I absolutely love writing books this way! I am a much better communicator than I am a writer—and I find this is true for most chiropractors as well.
Think of it this way—when you are with the patient, how do you communicate with them?
Exactly! You talk with them. You explain what you understand their problem is, what is the solution they require and the path forward.
You talk with them to help them get the Big Idea.
Most chiropractors find talking about chiropractic, speaking with their patients, doing presentations and delivering patient education relatively easy—when done on a one-to-one basis.
This is how I interview chiropractors to write their book.
Using the table of contents and chapter outlines as a starting point, I interview the practitioner about their patient journey. Using this framework, we are almost always able to complete a first draft of the book within three hours.
Yes, it is as simple as that!
You get clear on the patient journey and the story you want to tell; I ask you a few questions—and you write a book!
Why is it so easy? Because you have told this story a thousand times! Every day in practice, you are sharing the story, communicating with your patients and providing the information necessary for the patient to experience transformation!!
Insert patient journey infographics: NP to XR to ROF/CPD to Rx
You are documenting clearly and concisely the patient journey—and by me interviewing you on the process—now you are able to write a book describing that clearly in the mind of the patient, offering confidence and certainty in written form—in the same way that you deliver that in a one on one consultation.
Naturally, if you prefer writing—use the table of contents and the chapter outlines as the starting point for writing.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel—but you do need a unique perspective
Many practitioners believe they don’t have a unique idea for a book or that their idea has already been written about by another author. This is not the case. Even if it were, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, all you need to do is have a unique perspective.
If you wanted to write on a topic that you focus on in your practice—but you think there are already many books on that topic area and the market is already saturated—you are wrong.
If you would like to write in an area where there are already a number of books and you feel that you don’t have anything new to add—you are wrong.
All you need is to have a unique perspective on the topic of your interest—and you already have that unique perspective. In the same way that you can graduate from the same chiropractic college or university and practice in a different way to all of your colleagues, you explain chiropractic differently to your colleagues. You also have different preferences to your colleagues—and so do your patients.
The reason you practice differently is because you hear the information differently, you learn differently and you apply information differently—making you a unique chiropractor. You will attract people to your practice that have a preference for your style. Your adjusting style. Your communication style. You’re unique!
No one is an exact replica of another person—and nobody learns information in the same way or shares it in the same way, we are all different and people are looking for different angles of information that already exists.
The same is true for writing. You can’t write the same book—even on the same topic—as someone else. Your unique perspective means you’ll write a unique book.
Good writing is subjective
Every chiropractor has patients that have been with them a long time. They come in regularly, they love the adjustments they receive and are grateful to be part of the practice. They relate to you and you relate to them—that is because we have our unique preferences; the type of person we relate to, the way they communicate and the number of other cues and interactions that make the connection positive, comfortable and enjoyable.
The same is true of your writing. It is not that you are a good or bad writer—it is that your writing style and the message you have to communicate will be better received by some than others. Those people who come into your practice, who respond to the way you communicate and interact—are going to respond to the way that you write. Whether your message is in person or in print—people have a preferred way of hearing a message.
Your book is your message in print. Your character, personality and communication style will be infused within the pages of your book—and people will respond to your book the way they respond to you in person.
In the same way, your Report of Finding and Care Plan Deliveries create positive responses within your patients—your book will create a positive response from members of your community to want to know, learn and understand more about you, your practice and the care you deliver.
Getting your word out there is a way of sharing your unique and powerful message to the community and your patients, expanding your reach and creating a greater impact.
Find out exactly how to do this by joining our expert’s Masterclass. It’s a free training that will transform your practice.